Whites and Sulphurs: Cloudless Sulphur
Phoebis sennae

Cloudless Sulphur Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 2.25" - 3.13"
Habitat: Fields, gardens, open areas
Occurrence Level: Uncommon wanderer
Flight Period: July to October
Larval Host Plant: Sennas

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Cloudless Sulphur
Dorchester County, MD. September 25, 2012

Ventral view of a male. The males have few markings on the underside.

Cloudless Sulphur
Dorchester County, MD. August 12, 2012

A Cloudless Sulphur male displaying that nice pale yellow-green coloring.

Cloudless Sulphur
St. Mary's County, MD. September 11, 2013


Cloudless Sulphur
St. Mary's County, MD. September 18, 2013

An unusually small female.

Cloudless Sulphur
Anne Arundel County, MD. September 1, 2013

Mated pair. Note that the female (bottom) has more markings on the underside than the male.