Grass Skippers: Two-spotted Skipper
Euphyes bimacula

Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.25" - 1.63"
Habitat: Bogs, wet sedge meadows, marshes
Occurrence Level: Extirpated
Flight Period: May to early July
Larval Host Plant: Sedges, grasses

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Two-spotted Skipper
Sullivan County, PA. July 5, 2015

Two-spotted Skipper
Sullivan County, PA. July 5, 2015

Two-spotted Skipper
Sullivan County, PA. July 5, 2015

The female has two pale spots on the upperside forewing.

Two-spotted Skipper
Sullivan County, PA. July 5, 2015

Two-spotted Skipper
Sullivan County, PA. July 5, 2015

A view into the habitat of the Two-spotted Skipper.