Grass Skippers: Salt Marsh Skipper
Panoquina panoquin

Salt Marsh Skipper Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.19" - 1.5"
Habitat: Salt & brackish marshes
Occurrence Level: Uncommon
Flight Period: June & late-August to September
Larval Host Plant: Salt grass (suspected)

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Salt Marsh Skipper
Kent County, MD. August 30, 2013

Ventral view of a Salt Marsh Skipper on one of its favorite nectar sources, Salt Marsh Fleabane. Note the prominent white streak on the hindwing. Also of note are the veins on the hindwing.

Salt Marsh Skipper
St. Mary's County, MD. September 11, 2013

Salt Marsh Skipper
Kent County, MD. August 30, 2013

Upperside view.

Salt Marsh Skipper
Kent County, MD. June 22, 2014