Grass Skippers: Fiery Skipper
Hylephila phyleus

Fiery Skipper Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.25" - 1.5"
Habitat: Fields, marshes, gardens
Occurrence Level: Uncommon wanderer
Flight Period: Late August to late September
Larval Host Plant: Crabgrass, Bermuda grass, bent grass

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Fiery Skipper
Norfolk, VA. September 27, 2014

The Fiery Skipper is one of my favorites. When fresh, the males have a beautiful bright orange color. They can be quite difficult to photograph though. They seem to be always on the move.

Fiery Skipper
Anne Arundel County, MD. September 28, 2013

A fresh male Fiery Skipper showing off that bright orange color and black spots.

Fiery Skipper
Howard County, MD. September 27, 2012

Fiery Skipper
Dorchester County, MD. September 21, 2013

The female colors are a paler orange-brown.

Fiery Skipper
New Castle County, DE. October 20, 2012

Ventral view of a male. Note the black stigma and jagged black margin.