Grass Skippers: European Skipper
Thymelicus lineola

European Skipper Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1" - 1.13"
Habitat: Fields with tall grasses
Occurrence Level: Common
Flight Period: Mid to late June
Larval Host Plant: Timothy, orchard grass, velvet grass

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European Skipper
Garrett County, MD. June 15, 2013

The European Skipper came to the United States after it was accidentially introduced in Ontario in 1910. They have a rather weak flight but are so adorable.

European Skipper
Garrett County, MD. June 14, 2013

Dorsal View of a male. Note the narrow black stigma on the forewing.

European Skipper
Garrett County, MD. June 14, 2013

When I saw the European Skipper for the first time, I couldn't help but notice its short antennas.

European Skipper
Washington County, MD. June 8, 2014