Grass Skippers: Dion Skipper
Euphyes dion

Dion Skipper Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.44" - 1.75"
Habitat: Open marshes, bogs, swamps
Occurrence Level: Uncommon
Flight Period: Mid-June to August, early September
Larval Host Plant: Carex hyalinolepis, other sedges

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Dion Skipper
Dorchester County, MD. July 20, 2013

The Dion Skipper is breathtaking and it's difficult to describe their exact color - almost a pure yellow-orange tan. The rays were not as pronounced as some photos I've seen but what a remarkable Skipper!

Dion Skipper
Anne Arundel County, MD. September 1, 2013

This sighting was a total surprise. I was walking in a butterfly garden and this Dion Skipper stopped for a quick drink and was off again. Again, their color is extraordinary! The rays are visible in this shot.

Dion Skipper
Dorchester County, MD. July 20, 2013

Such powerful looking legs!