Metalmarks: Northern Metalmark
Calephelis borealis

Northern Metalmark Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.13" - 1.25"
Habitat: Shale barrens and nearby open woods
Occurrence Level: Uncommon
Flight Period: Late June to mid-July
Larval Host Plant: Round-leaved ragwort (Senecio obovatus)

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Northern Metalmark
Allegany County, MD. July 4, 2013

Dorsal view. There is such a profound difference between the dorsal and ventral sides.

Northern Metalmark
Allegany County, MD. June 25, 2016

Northern Metalmark
Allegany County, MD. July 14, 2013

The underside of the Northern Metalmark is striking especially when the sun shines on its silvery bands.

Northern Metalmark
Allegany County, MD. June 21, 2015

Northern Metalmark
Allegany County, MD. July 4, 2013

Northern Metalmark
Allegany County, MD. July 14, 2013

It's not uncommon to find the Northern Metalmarks nectaring as a group. The most I have counted on one plant was seven!