Brushfoots: Harris' Checkerspot
Chlosyne harrisii

Harris' Checkerspot Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.44" - 2"
Habitat: Bogs, damp meadows, emergent wetlands
Occurrence Level: Rare
Flight Period: Late May to mid-June
Larval Host Plant: Flat-topped white aster (Aster umbellatus)

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Harris' Checkerspot
Garrett County, MD. June 14, 2013

Dorsal view and what a beauty!

Harris' Checkerspot
Garrett County, MD. June 14, 2013

Harris' Checkerspot
Garrett County, MD. June 14, 2013

Harris' Checkerspot has a broad connected band of white spots running down the median area of the ventral hindwing.

Harris' Checkerspot
Garrett County, MD. June 15, 2013

Harris' Checkerspot
Garrett County, MD. June 15, 2013

Harris' Checkerspot
Garrett County, MD. June 14, 2013

Dorsal view of a female. There seems to be some color variation in the Harris' Checkerspot. Females are notably larger and oftentimes darker dorsally than the males.