Brushfoots: Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele

Great Spangled Fritillary Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 2.5" - 4"
Habitat: Moist meadows, fields, deciduous woods
Occurrence Level: Common
Flight Period: Mid-June to early September
Larval Host Plant: Yellow & blue violets

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Great Spangled Fritillary
Howard County, MD. June 2, 2012

Dorsal view.

Great Spangled Fritillary
Howard County, MD. June 2, 2012

Great Spangled Fritillary
Charles County, MD. June 12, 2013

Ventral view. Notice the wide pale colored submarginal band.

Great Spangled Fritillary
Howard County, MD. June 2, 2012

Great Spangled Fritillary
Allegany County, MD. June 14, 2013

Note the Great Spangeled Fritillary to the left. It is called "melanic" which means excess melanin in portions of the wing. It is considered a rare phenomenon.