Gossamer Wings: Brown Elfin
Callophrys augustinus

Brown Elfin Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from .88" - 1.13"
Habitat: Open woodland glades, bogs
Occurrence Level: Uncommon
Flight Period: Late April
Larval Host Plant: Huckleberry, lowbush blueberry

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Brown Elfin
Wicomico County, MD. April 26, 2014

Note that the outer one-third of the ventral hindwing is a pure sorrel-brown color with no frosting. Henry's and Frosted Elfins have frosting in portions of this area.

Brown Elfin
Wicomico County, MD. April 28, 2013

This Brown Elfin was a bit worn.

Brown Elfin
Wicomico County, MD. April 26, 2014

Brown Elfin
Wicomico County, MD. April 28, 2013

Can you find the Brown Elfin hiding in the leaves?

Brown Elfin
Greene County, VA. May 2, 2015