Brushfoots: Baltimore Checkerspot
Euphydryas phaeton

Baltimore Checkerspot Sightings
Size: Wingspan ranges from 1.75" - 2.75"
Habitat: Wet meadows, bogs, fresh marshes
Occurrence Level: Uncommon
Flight Period: Mid-June
Larval Host Plant: Turtlehead, possibly English plantain

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Baltimore Checkerspot
Frederick County, MD. June 22, 2013

Ventral view of a freshly emerged female.

Baltimore Checkerspot
Frederick County, MD. June 22, 2013

Another freshly emerged Baltimore Checkerspot. The wings were still drying out.

Baltimore Checkerspot
Frederick County, MD. June 22, 2013

Inquisitive males generally come out to meet you.

Baltimore Checkerspot
Frederick County, MD. June 22, 2013

Baltimore Checkerspot
Sullivan County, PA. July 5, 2015